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Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Transformation
...y discarding pain and gaining new found enthusiasm.Within any given Yoga class, there is a form of collective transformation that students and Yoga teacher experience. If you take a typical Hatha Yoga class and consider the warm ups, Pranayama, Sun Salutations, asana practice, meditation, relaxation, or an integration of any other Yogic components; the transfor...more
Bikram Yoga
...rned home and signed up for "10 Days for $10", a promotion that many studios use to encourage people into the hot room. Eight months later... I LOVE it even more!!! Not only do I feel energized after Bikram, my body has transformed. I was in pretty good shape before, but Bikram has added NEW definition and a few, new sexy muscles too! AN...more
Understanding Yoga
... of miracles offered to you from yoga. It's curative and healing benefits far extends to a much greater ocean of ailments and diseases.The Transforming Benefits of YogaOther than all the health benefits of yoga, you will experience greatness that transforms you completely. Such is the factual promise of yoga. It will allow you to feel better, think clearly ...more
Ten Reasons to Attend a Yoga Retreat
... allows ample time for extended yoga practice. Often you will receive more hours of yoga instruction during a retreat than a whole session of weekly yoga classes! Extended yoga practice allows more time for the body to unwind, release, let go, and find peace in your body, mind, and spirit.(4) The People The people I have met on yoga retreats are some of the most enlightened, intelligent and th...more
Does Yoga Benefit Plastic Surgery Patients?
... to yoga and plastic surgery, two very important issues come up. The first issue that comes to mind is that yoga is a direct competition as an alternative to plastic surgery especially when speaking about face lifts. Now, after having plastic surgery, these exercise routines would be able to play an important role into helping to maintain the work that you have had completed. The truth is, while...more


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