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The Essence of Karma Yoga
...achment and selfless attitude.”In Karma Yoga the seeker is working with the hope and aspiration of serving God. In Karma yoga the seeker’s only desire is to fulfil the will of God. In the eyes of the world an action can be judged on how significant it is. However to a Karma Yogin even the smallest of actions becomes of the utmost imp...more
Getting Started With Yoga
...e to get used to. For example, postures are referred to as asanas. And there are a whole bunch of them. In fact over 8 million according to some sources. Many of them have very interesting names, such as the One Legged Pigeon, the Sun Salutation and the Spinal Twist, to name just a few. The purpose of these asanas is to increase flexibility which in turn opens up the flow...more
3 Benefits of Yoga in Your Life
...of medicine in your system all the time. This is one advantage that many people love about yoga.Biochemical benefits are many and include hemoglobin increases and vitamin c increases. People sometimes forget all the things that yoga can do for you. It does more than just work your mind it also helps your body in many area's that people need the most. Today's world has plenty of things that go...more
What is Yoga
...a 7. Purna Yoga 8. Tantra Yoga There are many institutions of yoga which all have there own unique beliefs and practices. In the western world, the term yoga often refers to Hatha Yoga which is perfecting the mind by way of perfecting the body. This technique uses many Asanas, breathing techniques and meditation.Another popular type of yoga is...more
Yoga - The Psychological Benefits
...reathing with a reasonable degree of control. Such activity allows your body and muscles to relax and think about peaceful thoughts, diverting your focus on stress. Even flexing activities could help a stressed person by loosening the tight muscles. Often when someone is stressed, the muscles are as well.Like stress, yoga can help with confronting anxiety. Anxiety often leads individuals to ...more


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