
Santa Cruz Yoga And Meditation Center


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The Purpose of Yoga - Anger Management Secrets Of Pranayama
...d not know. Eventually, you will be able to do this for a much longer time span, which is fine. The one to two ratio of inhale to exhale will expel your anger and rid your body of toxins.This breathing pattern is sometimes called the “4-7-8 breath,” but it can also be modified for people who can not breathe as deep. For example: You can modify this Pra...more
Yoga for Health and Fitness - The Seven Major Energy Centers (Chakras)
...ericans were first introduced to Yoga during the late 1800's, it didn't become popular until the 1960's, and then as part of the youth culture. In recent years, many are realizing the value Yoga to manage stress, limber a stiff body, improve health and well-being and better understand oneself.One can better decide if Yoga offers something of personal benefit ...more
More Yogic Stress Management Solutions
...out many negative effects such as impaired learning, abdominal fat, blood sugar imbalances, reduction in muscle tissue, decreased bone density, and much more.In fact, the list of potential health problems, from over production of cortisol, is quite large. Increased abdominal fat places us in a higher ris...more
Understanding the Yoga Sutras be interpreted as, and now the instruction of Yoga begins.1:2 "Yoga is settling thoughts of the mind into tranquility." This can be interpreted into a number of ways. Quite simply, it is the settling of mind chatter into silence, which is the basis for meditation.1:3 "When the thoughts have settled, the subject dwells in his/her own nature, which is unlimi...more
Yoga Bags and Mats better protect any recent or recurring physical problem. In this case I strongly recommend you consult with your yoga teacher who could give you specific direction.To lengthen the life of your mat, it is best to keep it guarded and clean by always storing it in your yoga mat bag and to clean it on a regular basis. During your practice, you'll surely shed hair and skin from your...more


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