
Yoga Meditation Sahaja


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The Yoga Diet - Explaining Rajasic and Sattvic
...vic Yoga, and Ayurveda, classifies food into three categories: Rajasic, Satvic, and Tamasic. Let's discuss two of those three categories.Rajasic foods are stimulating and provide energy. Too much of these foods, which are sometimes high fat, can cause restlessness and weight gain. However, in moderation, they can be used in the yogic diet to perform their purpose. Foods in this category ar...more
Yoga Teacher Training Aspect - The Motivation to Improve
...can turn this time into an incredibly positive experience.As a result of the way you take advantage of waiting time, your health is improved, and you will be motivated when reading or listening to inspirational materials. There is no limit to the topics you can choose.Affirmations are useful, but what if you could find a book full of them? What...more
Could a Blind Man Become a Yoga Teacher?
... Yoga teacher in the room, to assist, a student would get “the best of both worlds.”This is why we have laws that protect all of us from discrimination. Sometimes, we think that common sense should rule our society, but as you know, it does not always work that way. Everyone should make an honest effort to understand others.We do not have to agree on every...more
Enjoy Your Life And Relax More With Power Yoga That Equips You To Deal With Life's Everyday Stress
...with practice you need to be able to flow effortlessly from one step to the next. It's considered best to practice Suryasana at dawn, so that it can be a tribute to the sun as it rises. Practicing the Suryasana promotes flexibility and strength, helps you to focus, increases stamina, removes various toxins thro...more
Yoga Teachers Lead by Example (Part 2)
...with children.I teach children four years of age and up, but it is specifically within a “Kids Yoga” class. This is much different from a typical adult Yoga class, and the circus act I mentioned earlier might be fine. Do not be surprised to see children perform difficult asanas, but do not expose them to hazards.In the course of a week, I teach many Chair Yoga cla...more
