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Yoga for Weight Loss: What You Need to Know to Succeed (part 2)
... Shoulder-Stand, the Hero Pose, the triangle and wheel poses.Love Handles: The spinal twist, the triangle pose, (with practice) the Side Crow Poses, (for ease) The Side plank pose.I realize the spots above are the ones most of us seem to target when trying to lose weight, so I have made sure to go over them first.I’m under the impression that if you h...more
Understanding The Different Types Of Yoga
...or those taking it up. This type of yoga will make you suppler with a better body circulation, an ability to manage breathing together with many other benefits.Besides the few major types of yoga that are mentioned above, other forms of yoga exist but to start off with yoga, it is best to be acquainted with one of these major...more
The Spiritual Art of Yoga
... and its goal is moksha which means liberation.Karma is a term quiet familiar to western culture especially with the growth of the new age movements. Karma yoga is often called the discipline of action. There is good and bad karma. Karma is the law of cause and effect and is mainly known to be taught in Indian religions like Hinduism, Buddhism and also Sikhism as well as Jainism....more
Yoga Teacher for a Day, Part 2
... effortless part of each day.The demand for Yoga teachers has also created a part time niche for some. There are Yoga teachers who work a full time job and teach in the evening, at noon, or in the morning. I did the same for many years. In the case of teaching Yoga during the evenings, it was a much needed break fro...more
Yoga and Meditation Meets Science - Anatomy of Yoga
...and let me say, this was a perfect level of explanation and detail that helps me to better understand (in lay man's terms) how the various aspects of yoga impact our bodies.One of the most common problems I've experienced is tight shoulders or shoulder "kinks" and stiff necks. Early on, it became obvious that yoga and meditation helped tremendously with this chro...more


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