
Tantric Yoga New York


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Learning Yoga Postures For Increased Health And Vitality
...ngthening abdominal muscles, the muscles surrounding the spinal column, and much more.These yoga postures combined with focused and measured breathing techniques helps the person practicing yoga to be more relaxed thus improving flexibility, mental concentration, and overall health. Many who practice dedicated yoga postures report a larger immunity to a number of...more
Basic Yoga Relaxation Techniques
...ccomplished by learning body control through breathing exercises, posture positions, and by concentration of the mind. The people of today's modern society usually practice Yoga for the benefits of relaxation.There are numerous posture positions to choose from, but the most common and most widely-known is the Lotus Position. To perfor...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Harnessing Empowerment with Jnana Yoga you deserve better, envision it, take action, and never give up.When I was growing up, some members of my family believed that good things only happen to other people. I was told, “Success does not happen to our kind of people.” Yet, some members of my family did not listen to this talk. My grandfather went into business for himself as a successful general contractor during...more
The Benefits of Chanting word of caution though: Chanting should be done with proper pronunciation at the specified time with reverence and alertness. A definite mantra has a definite sound and vibration which has a definite effect on particular parts of the body.Art of the Matter:Chant along as a form of meditation: Chant a personal prayer and you will find yourself...more
What Is Power Yoga - And How Does It Differ From Ashtanga?
...on Baptiste. Baptiste studied with yoga teachers including Iyengar (Iyengar yoga), Pattabhi Jois (Astanga yoga), and Bikram Choundhury (Bikram yoga).Despite its physicality, Baptiste's Power yoga is based on the philosophy that self discovery, freedom, and truth are not to be found in either the dogma or traditional teachings of yoga, nor the technical parts of a physical asana practice. In...more


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