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What Are the Benefits of Yoga?
... and brings about a calmness of spirit that's most advantageous to the entire nervous system. It educates the pupil in the fundamental principles of wellness, and produces a genuine placidity of nature that allows for large intensity of activity of both mind and body, when such activity is needed.The question is whether the Western world requires Yoga and...more
Yoga - More than the "Aerobics of India"
...ent. Yoga is a practical aid, a living experience -- not a not a set, rigid thing or religion. It's no longer only for the flower children of the '60s, yoga is now mainstream.Yoga is much more than sitting in a lotus position and chanting in unison. Yoga is not aerobics, not gymnastic: unlike stretching or fitness...more
The Roots of Hatha Yoga
... of years, is rooted in principles that will never change, however as times are always changing these ancient principles can be evolved and applied to the 21st Century. Overall the roots of yoga teach people to obtain what everyone seeks: physical and emotional health, a clear mental state-of-mind, and a life driven not by worries, bu...more
Why Yoga Should Be a Part of Your Daily Fitness Routine
....Physical Benefits1. Flexibility -- strength training helps improve muscle mass but it does very little to improve muscle flexibility. And studies have shown that short powerful muscles are prone to injury. So one of the major benefits of yoga exercises is the prolonged stretching found in many of the yoga positions and poses.2. Balance -- especially as we get older balance become...more
Yoga Visualization for Empowerment - Introduction practice to reach Samadhi (The eighth limb of Yoga - Complete Meditative absorption); there are many levels of Samadhi.However, Samadhi, and the eight limbs of Yoga, described by Patanjali, are largely ignored by many Hatha Yoga practitioners around the world. Many Hatha Yoga practitioners have developed a “ranking system” for Yoga. Ask most students what advanced Yoga is, and they will ment...more


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