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Keep a Rug Around for Yoga
...was looking for an area rug it'd have to be a bit smaller in size since I have a lot of stuff going on in here: my rolling office chair, a guest chair, my computer tower, the works. Fortunately I found one suitable enough, made from cotton and dyed a lovely serene turquoise color. Thankfully there were no fringes on the edges sine we have a little dog running around the office. T...more
Will Yoga Help You Lose Weight?
...ically, the study found that middle-age people who practice yoga tended to experience gradual weight loss over a 10-year period, while those that did not practice yoga seemed to experience fairly substantial weight gain over the same period.Since the study was released, a constant barrage of skeptics have pointed out flaws in the research that range from self-reported r...more
Why Yoga Exercises Are Different From Other Forms Of Exercise
...awakening. All of one's capacities are heightened, and one achieves balance and stamina through these yoga exercises, some of which are modeled after the movements of various animals. In yoga exercises, relaxation is taught as an art, breathing as a science, and mental control of the body as a means of harmonizing the body, ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Ethics and Professionalism
... but you do not have to make an announcement. Consider this: Every Yoga teacher, before you, went through the same leaning curve, so learn and avoid “beating yourself up.”You must avoid self-doubt, and the appearance of self-doubt, when you teach Yoga classes. Learn to separate friendships from professional relationships. This is a “hard line to wa...more
Discover How Yoga can Improve Workplace Safety and Health
... job, or within a particular department, can be prevented by having a Yoga specialist observe the physical movements of those employees.In an office setting, Yoga techniques can be introduced to gently stretch tendons, muscles, and soft tissue. This has often been referred to as “Office Yoga” and will actually increase productivity as office employees “recharge their batterie...more


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