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Yoga Teacher Retention Tips
...eacher to make of all these components “user friendly.”Here are some tips for you, your staff, and the way your facility is run. Remember that these guidelines also apply to your existing Yoga students too. Never take them for granted and your Yoga students will stay with you “through thick and thin.” Always show appreciation to your existing Yoga s...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Creating the World From Within
...y people value good health, real friends, a healthy daughter or son, being pain free, or a happy marriage? Be careful what you take for granted. What is your life worth? Can you place a dollar value on it?Yoga teaches us to live within this moment, not to take anything for granted, and to enjoy each priceless breath of life right now. Keep in mind that Yoga is also an ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - How Long Should Warm-Ups Be?
...e, and the purpose of the warm-up, can be factors, which determine the time frame. When I teach a Chair Yoga class, the warm-ups may take 30 minutes or more because the median age in the class is 70 years of age.In relation to this, and for safety's sake, warm-ups, before personal Yoga practice, exercise, or any sport, tend to be longer as we age. Morning warm-ups should be longer than eve...more
Depression Treatment: Pick Yoga over Medications for Anti-depression
...cution. Being a Christian myself, one of my favorite verses while executing this pose will be a personalized derivative of Rom 12: 2-“I am being transformed by the renewing of my thoughts.”Depression Treatment: Closing Thoughts on Other Factors.No one is saying that Yoga POSES alone will be the end all be all of your depression. No...more
What Can Yoga Teach You About Success In Your MLM Business?
...a or my body starts feeling all tense and my energy gets all out of wack!Every class I go to…I push myself as much as I can to go deeper into the poses; to go deeper into each position, in each breath, and in each moment.It’s this attitude that will power you through any obstacle you face in business or in life. When you ALWAYS push yourself to go deeper in situations like...more
