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Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Transformation
...a Yoga teacher training course. After the Yoga teacher certification process, most Yoga instructors continue to learn more about Yoga philosophy, anatomy, other forms of Yoga, meditation, Ayurvedic medicine, or any one of the many Yoga subjects that Yoga teachers would logically pursue.However, teaching Yoga classes on a regular basis is a form of continuing ed...more
Best Yoga Mat - Choose The Yoga Mat That Would Suit You
...can find them in most yoga studios, sporting goods store or various stores online - from normal online stores to auction sites like Ebay. However, don't always buy the cheapest one you can find - remember, you get what you paid for.The Best Yoga Mat For Ashtanga YogaAshtanga yoga (sometimes called power yoga) ...more
Giving the Inner Sanctum Its Own Room - Create a Yoga Room for Your Home
...ed a closet or a shelving unit for storage of yoga props, such as mats, bolsters, blocks, straps and eye bags. Here, you may want to store yoga literature and perhaps a sound system, if you enjoy practicing to music or using guided practice cds.When painting your yoga room consider a color that evokes calm. Look to nature to inspire you color palate. A good place to start is with colors in t...more
Useful Information About Tantra Yoga
...logy, physiognomy, physics, chemistry, alchemy, Ayurveda, psychology, mathematics, geometry and more. Providing for a more practical means of realizing the highest ideals of philosophy in your daily life is the primary purpose of Tantra yoga.The Basics of Trantra YogaTantra literally means expansion and it is a form of yoga that concentrates on expanding an individuals level of consciousness ...more
Health Benefits of Yoga
...cally they weighed on average 3 pounds less than those who did no yoga at all.Overweight men and women who participated in the study and took up yoga thereafter were reported to have lost on average 5 pounds, whilst those who did not gained on average 15 pounds over the course of the study.An interesting fact about the study is that the yoga that participants practic...more


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