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Yoga Insights: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Part 2
...the end of the Sun Salutations and the beginning of bedtime. This will allow your body and mind the time to wind down and relax. Also, this is just one more good reason to practice Sun Salutations during the morning hours.Strength, muscle tone, and coordination are also benefits that Yoga students can expect to see and feel. During my experience while teaching Yoga classe...more
Discovering Alternative Alcoholism Treatment Options
...atment plan for several conditions, including alcoholism. Meditation is a method to focus your mind inward. In many cases this produces a calming effect and reduces anxiety. Anxiety is often treated by medication—but wouldn't meditation be better?Trance work is closely related to meditation and also to hypnosi...more
The Truth about Options for Yoga Teachers, Part 3
... taught when we are trained to become a Yoga teacher. Yoga teachers are often trained to be gentle guides along the path toward total health.Being completely blunt about a prospective Yoga student’s limitations - might be bad for business. However, whenever a student is injured, the Yoga instructor will often feel remorse, even if the situation was complet...more
Your Yoga Practice - 7 Guidelines For The Ultimate Beneficial Yoga Experience
...g in your body and in your mind while seeking to perfect each yoga pose.Try to observe or become aware of:-1. How your body feels when it's in certain positions. If it feels well, then move into the particular yoga position a little further, if your body twinges, then listen to it and back off. You're not ready for that intensity;2. What sensations are traveling throug...more
Yoga And Breathing For Stress Management
...res to life through the use of your breath.As human beings, our minds tend to wander into thoughts of the past and the future. However, our bodies exist only in the present. By practicing yoga, you will learn through your breath how to draw your mind back to your body and abandon all of your worries.One of the refreshing aspects about yog...more


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