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Coping Strategies - Yoga For Menopause Relief
...the time, restorative poses may be best for that period. However, if you've got more energy, there are a number of other asanas that can really help.For example, inversion yoga poses can be great for the hormonal systems of the body. Inversions include headstand, shoulder stand, standing forward bends, and others. With inve...more
Yoga Videos - Guidance And Counseling Towards Better Living
...ypes of yoga videos which can be used for all the different purposes such as in office, while traveling, during pregnancy, stress relief, relaxation techniques, for different cures, a yoga structure for your good health, yoga for the new learners, the basic yoga, complete yoga workout, yoga for stre...more
Purpose of Yoga - Reasoning With Fundamentalism
... have a degree of spiritual value. Beside this fact - there is no evil in spiritual health.If Yoga were a religious vehicle alone, it would be the most tolerant path to God. No one is turned away from an ashram, Yoga center, or a Yoga studio because of religion, nationality, race, gender, color, age, or any other reason, to discriminat...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Holistic Health
... “advanced” Yoga asana, will intimidate some members of the public.How many people, in the west, think that a Yoga teacher must be thin, young, extremely flexible, muscular, and physically gifted? Most of the non-practicing public believes this, and many Hatha Yoga students believe it. Worse yet, some Yoga teachers have a narrow-minded view of Yoga, ...more
Bikram Yoga
...posture, finding serenity within the intensity, while allowing the body to stretch just a little more deeply. It's also about "being with yourself" in moments of failure. There are still postures I struggle with, so practicing love and compassion with myself is necessary. It's also about nurturing yourself. And, I could go on an...more
