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Teaching Hatha Yoga: The Summer Slow Down Americans take a couple of weeks off in July and some summer vacations will be planned for August. Most of my friends in Europe take August off, therefore, Yoga teachers are looking at a minimum of one month during the summer that is predominantly slow, depending on your exact location and culture.Some Yoga teachers in the S...more
Hatha Yoga
... with very shallow breathing so it makes sense that yoga would incorporate an art of breathing. The Sanskrit, "Pranayama," is used in yoga circles to speak of breathing. "Prana" means "life-force" and "ayama" means to "lengthen or regulate." Curiously, the Latin word root for "animate," to give life, comes from a...more
Yoga - Harmony Of Body
...ther as if it was the stages of a process. It is for that reason that most habitual is to begin with the practice of the Hatha Yoga since in our culture we are more tie to the physicist who to the spiritual thing.Although one is not a sport, the Hatha Yoga (Yoga for the Health) is the one that you will be able to mak...more
The Qualities of a Great Yoga Teacher
...t a student’s perspective when necessary, is crucial.Since I truly believe I have one of the very best teachers of Hatha yoga on the planet, the most straightforward way I can think of to help answer the question above is to speak from experience about the qualities I have seen in my teacher, Shashi Pottatil.1. Background and Training: S...more
...called Tantra. Today we merge these secret Eastern techniques along with contemporary Western methods to stimulate the internal organs, invigorate the hormone producing endocrine glands that balance energy for better health, focus and creativity.Mastering sexual energy is not something learned overnight, or at weeken...more
