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Discovering The History And Concepts Of Different Branches of Yoga
...l concept of the traditional hatha yoga is a holistic yogic path comprising of moral disciplines, physical exercises, breath control, and meditation. The hatha yoga that is widely practiced and popular in the western countries mainly composed of the "asanas" or postures and other exercises.Hatha yo...more
The Perseverance of Teaching Yoga, Part 1
...t achievements. How many people will tell you that teaching Yoga is not a good career move? Plenty will, but you must have the fortitude and perseverance to pursue your own desire, in the first place.In order to make any achievement in Yoga, you need a formula for success. Here is a list of ingredients that you must have in ...more
The Real Secrets To Computer Stress Relief
...k and shoulder strain due to long periods of sitting in front of the computer and poor posture. Computer stress relief, in this case, focuses on relaxing these parts of the body. Eyestrain is the number one computer-related health complaint. To relieve eyestrain, take your eyes off the computer screen and focus them on a different object. Do this every 20 minutes when working on the...more
Protecting Your Yoga Teaching Business
...n for the rest of your life.It has been said that “Knowledge is Power,” and this could never be more true than when it comes down to knowing the “Letter of the Law.” Just like when a Yoga student first learns to develop his or her awareness from Yoga and meditation practice - Yoga teachers must develop an awareness of legality, as it pertains to their Yoga businesses.For the average Yog...more
A Look at Yoga and Its Different Branches
...d leading a life of deep meditation.Karma Yoga is a practical application of yoga where the emphasis is on the deeds of an individual. The concept is that whatever an individual does in the present has a direct bearing on the future just as the present is the direct result of past deeds. The people who practice this form of yoga are conscious...more


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