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Yoga: Far More Than a 5,000-Year Old Trend their shoulder and body flexibility, with the ability to do more push-ups and curl-ups as part of the outcome. Posture also improved in all of the subjects.So, if you ever find yourself in a heated debate over whether or not yoga offers any true health and fitness benefits, arm yourself with this ...more
How Strong Is The Connection Between Yoga And Meditation?
...ore stable and tolerant society.By really helping people to calm down and control their negative emotions, it promotes health and happiness in yoga practitioners. Added to this the ability to meditate effectively further allows people to reach a much higher state of awareness and acceptance of themselves and their peers.So by combining the posi...more
What Will Yoga Do to Help Cure Yeast Infection?
...s and relate to the fact that the vast majority of diseases in the western world must be handled first by getting rid of mucus and toxic matter to put the natural elimination process back into operation.The diet plan principles which the yoga philosophy has as part of its teaching also place the importance on balanced food...more
Need Power? Try Core Power Yoga
...d is the mental power or the will to concentrate on the practice; and last the spiritual power which is the power behind the physical and mental power.Core power yoga is the Western version of the Indian Ashtanga Yoga. The term was was given by Beryl Bender Birch, an Ashtanga Yoga teacher. It has been brought to the west by fol...more
How Power Yoga Can Help Athletes
...rom fitness training. It will preserve your health and improve blood circulation, which in turn will improve your physical potential. Training a lot for a specific sport can make you physically unbalanced, but doing yoga will help balance you back out.Many athletes use almost all of their free time prac...more


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