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Depression Treatment: Pick Yoga over Medications for Anti-depression
...human ailment, at least in its not fatal stages, drug-free healing is not limited to curing any discomfort-including depression and this without these side-effects. One standout alternative for depression treatment my friends will be the incomparable Yoga.How is this so? Well, first of all, with Yoga and its gentle movements and poses, Alpha waves (relaxation) ...more
Teaching Yoga for Stress Management
...ety-riddled masses? It all comes down to the needs of our students and our continuing education efforts.For example: If most of our students are young, flexible, strong, alpha-type personalities - our student's needs - will be geared toward physical prowess. In truth, this is fine, because there is a legitimate ne...more
Yoga Anti-Aging Health Benefits poses which are relatively easy, but to keep going with the goal in mind of attaining their highest possible success. If seniors keep on practicing breathing correctly, flexing their muscles that have not had much use and the various postures that they learn, the rewards will be theirs to enjoy. They should keep in mind though that their bodies can tell them when they need to slow ...more
Yoga Invigorates Your Sex Life
...Tantra Yoga was a preferred practice in ancient India to better you sexually. Ancient Indian guide of sex Kamasutra have advocated usefulness of Tantra Yoga for enhanced level of sexual pleasure. This practice of Tantra Yoga has recently gone through a renaissance as more and more folks prefer it over Viagra and other medications to gain desired level of erection.Asanas of Tantra Yoga bring i...more
Universal Laws of Yoga - Part 3
...uism. This is very interesting, considering the large numbers of Yoga practitioners who are not Hindus. Some Yogis and Yoginis do convert to Hinduism, but the “calling” had to come from within themselves. Within North America, most Yoga teachers are not Hindus at all and I have yet to witness religious conversion in progress.For fundamentalist Hindus that believe Yoga and H...more
