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Hatha Yoga – A Crowd Favorite
...member to breathe normally while you are in and move between each of the poses. Your breaths should be deep and smooth. Try to feel your diaphragm opening and expanding as you switch from one posture to another. Hatha rarely, if ever, uses the shorter and harder yoga breathing, so stay smooth and deep.Second, do not force any of the stretch positions in Hatha. Start w...more
Yoga Styles For Beginners
...le strengthening has been around for many centuries in the East; however, it is now catching on in the Western Hemisphere. And of course, as soon as the West gets its hands on anything alterations are sure to be made. So now we have a variety of new styles of yoga that many people are taking part in, in addition to the traditional styles. So why...more
Yoga is Like Sex
... not." So I pre-paid the classes and took my body to yoga class. After that month, I was hooked. I highly recommend this approach... It changed my life.Once you get yourself into yoga class, the next biggest challenge is self-acceptance. A yoga teacher of mine once said, "Begin where you are and stay there." Wise words, and a big relief! After all, there's no other place to start ...more
Healthy Mind & Mind With Yoga
... of which you must be aware of, if, you have read any Yoga books, texts, or listened to audiotapes on yoga. In case, you have, then no doubt, you must have come across Yoga Guru Patanjali, who defined Yoga as: “A steady and comfortable state of Body and Mind means Asana (posture)”.While, doing any exercise, it is obvious that the strain on muscles increases, as does the req...more
Yogic Stress Management Therapy
...m. People are caught up in the global epidemic of stress and anxiety.“Finding yourself,” “chilling out,” self-realization, transformation, and living a quality life, are catchy phrases, but these are a handful of the many benefits of Yoga practice. What surprises the public most is that there are many styles of Yoga, and many different approaches to health problems.Yoga i...more


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