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More about the Religious Impasse of Hatha Yoga and "The New Age Movement"
...l roots with Hinduism, so this is the opportunity to label, polarize, and stir up misunderstandings.Let’s look at Hinduism a little closer. Yes, Hinduism does have multiple Gods and Goddesses, but historically, Hinduism has not forced itself on anyone. However, Hindus have been violently persecuted over their religion. It is estimated that 100 million Hin...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Motivation for Better Health
...exponentially, as a result of regular Yoga practice.Yoga has so many good health aspects for a person to benefit from. Yet, some people see it only as a “workout,” and as a result, Yoga has become classified, in the west, as an exercise. Although Hatha, Kundalini, and Raja Yoga contain many breathing exercises (Pranayama) and postures (Asanas), Y...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Spiritual Health seen, in the west, is Hatha Yoga, which usually focuses on physical, mental, and emotional health.Hatha Yoga classes in the west, contain Christians, Jews, Moslems, Hindus, Buddhists, and others, practicing Yoga in harmony. Intolerance is put aside, and Yoga practitioners appreciate each other as equ...more
Yoga for Weight Loss
...Yoga Asans, which involves postures.In many cases, the individual in question has more of a weight issue in one area than another. For example, one persons weight may manifest itself in the abdominal area, while another's' might be in the buttocks area. In these situations, the full Yoga weight loss regime mentioned above is not really necessary. Yoga does present options...more
Yoga Provides Relief and Health Benefits for Certain Health Issues
... those with high blood pressure. Breathing and meditation activities help reduce stress levels, which, in turn, balance out the body - as stress is managed in healthier ways.Instructors encourage persons, with high blood pressure, to practice supine and sitting positions, as well as forward bends and inversions. However, as with any exercise, it is important to know whe...more
