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Yoga - A Path To Peace
...cluding our kids, our work, how some of us loved yoga, and, of course, eating and food. As the only dietitian in the group, eventually (as always seems to happen), the topic turned to dieting and weight control.Several of the women had been on and off Weight Watchers for years. It is a terrific program and the women liked...more
Yoga Is the Best Acne Treatment for Keeping Acne Always
... can circulate through their system for the days, exacerbating acne flare ups. It is sad but true acne often rears its ugly head at the most inopportune times.Ask anyone who has had acne, and he or she will confirm that it has an uncanny knack of flaring up just in time for that special event such as a first time, important job ...more
Basic Yoga Equipment
...aighten out your alignment. They are great for when you have poses where you need to stand and your hand doesn't quite reach the floor.Straps: Yoga straps are particularly useful in bound poses, when you need to hold on to a part of your body that you can't reach.Bolsters: Yoga bolsters are shaped cushions, they are designed to give support, particularly to ...more
Pilates vs Yoga of the ancient art of Yoga. Due to several similarities, the state of confusion is actually quite understandable, until you look beyond the surface.There is actually quite a considerable amount of differences between the two ancient arts of meditation and exercise. Ancient documents tell us that yoga likely began in South Asia while Pilates wa...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga: What is Normal?
...ould and should not do, when teaching a Yoga class. Later, you signed a Yoga teacher ethics agreement.Then one day, a Yoga student displays behavior that is not in the “text books.” Is that normal? Well, it seems normal to him or her, but you have to be calm and keep your Yoga class as organized as possible.No one can prepare you for every unexpected situation and life does ...more


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