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Should Yoga Teachers Be Marketing Themselves?
... worth something. It is a fact that Yoga teachers spend a lot of time and money on training.What do Yoga teachers bring to their students? Let’s look at a short list of examples: Happiness, tranquility, less stress, less pain, self-confidence, less anger, better physical health, improved emotional health, and better mental health.T...more
Stages Of Mind- How To Know If The Mind Is Ready For Yoga
...ind.The mind has five stages, Patanjali tells us, and Vyasa comments that "these stages of mind are on every plane."The First Stage - Kshipta The mind is flung about, it is the butterfly mind, the early stage of humanity. In man, the mind of the child, darting constantly from one object to another. It corresponds to activity on the physical plane.The Second Stage - Mudha E...more
Yoga's Formula For Happiness - Living Life to Maximum Potential
...” They see themselves enjoying life after going through an ordeal. The sad truth is - we unconsciously create our obstacles to sow the seeds of failure.Whether you want to paint, write, sing, dance, or practice Yoga - Just do it as soon as you can. Do not wait, procrastinate, or make excuses. We have to take ...more
Pregnancy - Recommended Yoga
...g smooth journey during pregnancy.1) Yoga Exercises - These work on the reproductive organs and pelvis to ensure a smooth pregnancy and a relatively easy childbirth. At subtle level, these ensure optimum supply of blood and nutrients to the developing foetus.2) Breathing or Pranayama - Works on fitness during pregnancy. Thes...more
Practice Yoga to Develop Patience
...led into the hospital for an emergency. So, you have accomplished nothing by raising your blood pressure, putting your life at risk, and driving to endanger others.Yoga teaches us to enjoy the present moment - regardless of the situation. Plan and prepare for delays by starting earlier or by making good...more


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