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Patenting Yoga - A Crime against Humanity
...e an Asana sequence?Consider this: If you buy the patent to Brahmari Pranayama, how do you manage to keep track of who is performing it in every corner of the earth? The idea is ludicrous, and the patent is not really enforceable.Yoga is a complex subject and some people are still trying to grasp what Yo...more
Teaching Chair Yoga - The Real Need for More Trained Instructors
...of us are not, but Yoga in a chair makes perfect sense because it is a safe form of cross training.How often have you heard about someone getting hurt during an activity? The truth is - you can be injured while golfing, jogging, skiing, walking, playing tennis, or getting out of bed. However, if you are properly warmed up, you are much less...more
21 Days to a New You: Yoga Style
... weeks after his hospitalization, he found the effects of the medications difficult to deal with, they made him very sleepy, dizzy, and lightheaded. One thing that helped was exercise. If he got up and out early before the side effects set in, he enjoyed his day more.For those over 50, who haven’t been regular ...more
Back Pain Yoga Is Definitely More Fun And Interesting That You Can Imagine!
...different sets of poses in Ashtanga yoga that you learn in a particular sequence, but many people don't move beyond the first set.You should understand that the type of yoga you decide to do depends on your own needs, tastes and the advice from your doctor. There are also some conditions other than your back that you need to consider before trying yoga. One of...more
Beautycare Yoga
...riage, melodious voice, glowing face and charming smile. Asanas such as Paschimotannasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Veerasana, Trikonasana and ArdhaMatsyendrasana helps to sculpt our body.Below mentioned are some of the benefits achieved through different yogic practices : A smooth and a soft sk...more
