
Core Yoga Pilates


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Yoga Instruction Certification
...uctor’s course that fit’s your schedule, you can begin the process of achieving your dreams. Good yoga instruction certification should give you all the skills you need to teach yoga to individuals of all ages and fitness levels. You should also be able to teach more than one kind of yoga, which will give you an edge and allow you to teach many types of peop...more
Nude Yoga and Naked Aerobics
...cant increase in nudist yoga practitioners or seekers; so many nudist yoga classes are conducted the world over. There are many naturist clubs and resorts where nude exercise is encouraged and welcomed. There are videos and books available as well to help you pursue this style of exercising.If embarrassment be thrown to the dogs would you wear clothes at all times?Reprin...more
Yoga in Your Home
... extra time it takes to travel to and from a local studio. It’s challenging enough to set aside the time to do the practice!2) No Local Yoga Studio: Depending on where you are located, there may not be a yoga studio. Or if there is, their schedule does not work for you or you do not 'connect' to the instruc...more
Finding and Releasing the Energy of the Mind
...ditation, yoga, tai chi and other physical/mental pursuits is that we learn to heighten the awareness of our vibrations and the utilize resulting energies. Like any other learned skill, the energy of the mind can be mastered, just as we master the asana’s of yoga.A friend of mine who has taught tai chi for thirty years told me recently that his strength and agility had taken a...more
Chair Yoga Case Study – No More Chronic Neck Pain
...ts us know what the benefits of each pose are which helps us understand why we are doing the poses.If you are thinking about joining a class or purchasing (some) videos be assured that the hour you put in that you didn’t think you had time for will give back multiple benefits including higher energy levels, a calm mind and a peaceful spirit. You will be glad you did this for yourse...more
