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Yoga: Three reasons you should not do Sitting Forward Bend
...chimottanasana)“Never force yourself into a forward bend when sitting on the floor”Yogasana, the third limb of Raja Yoga also popularly understood by mass population as yoga is getting popular as never before in both eastern and western countries. The reason for Yogasana (popularly know as Yoga) to gain popularity are ...more
Keep a Rug Around for Yoga
...'s even recommended to bring one to practice to double as a blanket or cushioning pad for any poses that may require you to be on your knees, such as camel or table. Next time you have a yoga class, go out and pick up a cotton yoga rug about 28 inches in width and 70 inches in length beforehand. Place it on top of your sticky yoga mat for extra cushioning, traction, and to absorb a...more
Deciding When To Do Yoga or you have been doing it for a while, you may need to decide when during the day to do your routine. Most people who have practiced yoga for a long time have probably changed the time they do it each day. We all adjust our daily schedules now and then. Let's explore some of the different times of day you can do yoga.Morning - You can do yoga in the morning if you want. D...more
What Yoga Class Should I Begin With? Description of Yoga Styles for Beginners are good to begin with.IyengarThe focus of Iyengar yoga is on body alignment. Props such as blocks and straps allow beginners to flow in asanas more easily. As oppose to moving quickly from pose to pose, Iyengar focuses on holding poses over long periods.HathaHatha is a general term that embodies all forms of yoga. Courses defined as Hat...more
Why Combine Astrology, Reiki and Yoga?
...nt Tibetan healing art. It is the transmission of divine energy for the sake of healing and enlightenment. Mahatma Reiki (what I am trained in) is specifically tuned to help move you forward on the soul's path. It's frequency brings you into alignment with your soul's purpose and reason for incarnating on this plane. So the frequency of Mahatma reiki is of attunement with your divine ...more


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