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The Wonders Of Yoga each other.For hundreds of years Yoga has helped millions maintain flexibility, good health, and a positive outlook. Today, yoga is proving an effective therapy for stress reduction. Most people first come to yoga to alleviate pain and tightness, to acquire flexibility and agility, and to feel more i...more
What Should You do With a Yoga Book?
...I resolved to stop accumulating and begin the infinitely more serious and difficult task of wise distribution.”To learn knowledge, without applying it to life, is a waste. It is not intentional, in most cases, but what a shame it is to know so much and not be able to help anyone with it.Within Yoga, today, are so many books to re...more
Headache Relief - Gentle Exercises to Soothe the Pain Away
...e exercise that many people use to relieve their headaches and migraines is acupressure.Acupressure is a form of acupuncture, the Chinese medical technique that uses small needles inserted into the body to relieve disease symptoms. Acupressure uses the pressure of thumbs and fingers instead of acupuncture needles to achieve similar therapeutic effects. To relieve a headache with acupre...more
Hatha Yoga 101
...e activities.The noise and fast pace of modern life is continuously adding stress for many. Many individuals, especially those who live in the city continuously seek peace of mind. Yoga, in general, is one of the more popular channels of stress relief today. It has been commercialized and more and more people are getting into the bandwagon. Some people see it as a recreational activi...more
The Purpose of Yoga - Cultivating Positive Relationships
...sent for your practice, but Yoga practice is one matter; life is not a rehearsal. We can perform any number of physical feats on our Yoga mats, but do we apply Yogic philosophy to life around us?For example: We might be vegetarians, but do we make everyone else’s life miserable, because of it. A Yogi, or Yogini, should cultivate healthy relationships and be of good character - becaus...more
