
What Is The Difference Ween Yoga And Pilates


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Yoga in Practice: From Worrier to Warrior I
...en mind and body.Yoga creates a state of tranquility and harmony. In contrast, worrying creates a state of restlessness, anxiety, and mindlessness.Therefore, Yoga creates the exact opposite frame of mind. Can you get the same effect from a Yoga tape? Sorry to say, Yoga tapes and DVD’s gather dust very well. You might watch one a few times, but the cat jumps on ...more
Yoga Insights: Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations), Part 2
...a Namaskar are many, but when anxiety and stress are lowered; the quality of life goes up. With this in mind, the odds of becoming depressed are drastically reduced. Some Yoga students practice Sun Salutations just to keep depression “at bay.”With all of the above-mentioned benefits, Sun Salutations should be considered a very valuable part of Hatha Yoga pra...more
Kripalu Yoga-Learn the Benefits
...wn decisions, your powers to reason and to be discriminatory. At all times during the practice of Kripalu Yoga you are establishing a nurturing and intimate relationship with your physical body.Physical discipline alone will not provide the benefits of this practice in which your body becomes a temple, which you invoke with the presence of the divine. Each sensation y...more
Yoga Teacher Training: The Spiritual Aspect of Yoga
...d emotional health.Today, Yoga has many more branches, and many of the branches of Hatha Yoga, outside India, are no longer attached to Hinduism, but the spiritual aspect of Yoga is still readily apparent. Most serious Yoga practitioners are spiritually aware, and spiritually healthy, as a result of their own Yoga practice.Even though, Yog...more
Yoga, Is It For You? Some Of Your Questions Answered
... through many different poses and positions while practicing yoga and your food needs to be digested so you feel little or no effects. If you do need to have something to eat, make it a light snack and at least thirty minutes before the class.Everybody, from children to seniors, can practice yoga. Everyone who continues to use yoga as a form of health and fitness will benefit in every walk ...more


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