
Willow Pilates And Yoga Inc


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The Truth About Making Money as a Yoga Instructor
...ul's health. Perhaps you'd like to offer prenatal yoga for expecting mothers? Maybe yoga for seniors, couples, or kids, is more your style? By designing and offering your own programs, you can interject your personality into yoga instruction.Depending on your location and marketing skills, you can make a great living as a full-time yoga instructor. If you're in a loca...more
The Ashtanga Yoga Method
...nvy).The Niyamas are those thoughts and activities, which promote a state of mind, which is conducive to Yoga. The Niyamas include Saucha(cleanliness), Santosha(contentment), Tapas(heat), Svadhyaya(study of the supreme), Ishvara Pranidhana(surrender to the supreme).The Asana practice is the gateway into the steps of Ashtanga Yoga. Asana practice, which includes Pranayama, returns the body t...more
Yoga Teacher Certification for the Rich and Famous
...ctive, and less expensive solutions, to learn to teach Yoga by becoming a certified Yoga instructor, without the cost of an “arm and a leg.”Recently, I was talking to an intern from an outside Yoga Teacher Training program, which had paid nearly $10,000.00 for on-site training, on an exclusive tropical island. He was upset, since he had borrowed tuition costs from his parents, and possibly sacr...more
Yogic Pranayama Methods for Anxiety Relief
...r Ayurvedic doctor, and continue your practice at home. As a general suggestion, Kapalabhati Pranayama, Bhastrika Pranayama, Ujjayi Pranayama, Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, Brahmari Pranayama, Bahaya Pranayama, and Udgeeth Pranayama are a good start.If you have a medical condition, you need to let your physician know exac...more
7 Important Tips for Yoga Success
...mpt more vigorous classes. Don’t move ahead too quickly. Allow your body to adjust to your exercises.3. Listen to your body and be aware of your physical abilities. You don't want to hurt yourself. Make sure the instructor understands your level of experience and any limitations you may have. Don’t allow anyone to push you ahead too quickly. Remember, this is supposed...more
