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How to Teach Yoga in the Corporate Marketplace, Part 2
...r Yoga website, as well. However, if you have captured a prospective decision maker’s attention, you had better fully explain the benefits of a Corporate Yoga program, while you have captured his or her attention.I can already hear the complaints, “I wanted to become a Yoga teacher, not a copywriter.” If you can talk, you can write. After you write,...more
Yoga Therapy
...oga’ is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘yug’ which means "to join." It signifies union between the individual soul (jivatma) and the universal soul (parmatma). It aims at obtaining relief from pain and suffering. Basically, human evolution takes place on three different planes, namely physical, mental and spiritual. Yoga is a means of ...more
The 4 Paths of Yoga
...senses), Asteya or non-stealing , Aparigraha or non-covetousness. Niyamas - or observances (Do's) are also divided into five and complete the ethical precepts. They are - Saucha or purity - this internal and external cleanliness, Santosha or contentment , Tapas or austerity , Swadhyaya or study of the sacred texts , Is...more
Even for Asthma, Yoga can be Helpful
...reath Exercise (aka Kapalabathi) involves purposely pumping the stomach in an inward motion and exhaling through the nose simultaneously in controlled movements. This removes spasms and tones up the respiratory system significantly.In addition to all of this, one commonly overlooked factor in using Yoga is this; Yoga ca...more
Yoga Certification in Hawaii
...fitable business.If you are feeling blue on the mainland and crave a major change, consider relocating to the islands and getting your yoga certification in Hawaii. Not only will you be improving the lives of others, but your own life will be something you’ve always dreamed of. Yoga teachers enjoy the health benef...more


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