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Yoga Styles - Part 2
...suited to. In this article I will explain three more styles and give a quick run-down of yoga class etiquette.Bikram- Also known as hot yoga was introduced by Bikram Choudury. Bikram yoga is another branch of Hatha. It is characterized by a room heated to a temperature of 105F (40.5C) with a humidity of 40%. The...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga for Peace of Mind are many different reasons why, but peace of mind is usually part of the reason. It is gratifying when we empower our Yoga students to find peace of mind.Sometimes, a Yoga teacher chooses to “spread the word,” for his, or her, own peace of mind. Within personal Yoga practice, and teaching Yoga classes, most of us find a “retreat from the rat race.” Yoga class b...more
Why Yoga Should Be a Part of Your Daily Fitness Routine
... to really put your daily fitness routine in overdrive and get better results than you ever have in the past, you really should consider adding yoga exercises into your home fitness workouts. Aerobic exercise is great for burning calories, and strength training works very well for strengthening your muscle groups. But yoga goes far beyond either of tho...more
Yoga Empowers Divorced Women - 7 Benefits That Will Change Your Life going thru any mind mania - especially divorce where you tend to feel like your life is spiraling out of control and you desperately need something to hang onto and anchor your spin-out.The seven greatest benefits of yoga are as follows:" Peace - getting into a quiet environment and staying present for the length of the class...more
Physical And Mental Benefits Of Yoga
... of the organs in your body, and it is said as being perhaps the only activity that is able to massage all the internal glands and organs of the body in a thorough way. Yoga also improves your alignment, both in and out of classrooms, which helps prevent many other types of pain.It is able to act in a wholesome manner on the various body parts, and this stimulation results in keeping dise...more
