
Positions Pratiques Yoga


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Yoga in the Workplace
...ol the mind & primitive consciousness, and bring the physical body under control of the will. With its ancient roots four thousand years ago in India, its intention now is same as it was in the initial days. In fact in past couple of years, this art has gained its popularity and has taken place in the mainstream. Many employers, of all industries are following a proactive...more
Pregnancy and Yoga
... pain. Yoga is often overlooked when it comes to pregnancy but it is probably the most effective. Because yoga is safe, a woman can begin yoga at any point of her pregnancy, even the last trimester.Yoga is a form of exercise that gently stretches the muscles without pulling them beyond their limits. Yoga can also prepare a woman for birth because it relieves the pre...more
Online Yoga Instructor Training - Why is Now the Best Time
... substantially.Yet, you have your own reasons why you would like to become a Yoga teacher.For some people, the reason is to take Yoga training to the next level is to help others, earn a part-time income, or something entirely different; it may even be a combination of reasons. This is much like the reason why people initially come to a Yoga class. The reasons fo...more
Crash Course on Yoga for meditation. Until now, yoga is considered to be one of the ways to meditate or to attain a state of being.What is yoga?Yoga is a form of exercise and relaxation technique where the mind is used to control the body and the breath. Its name is taken from the Sanskrit word that means unite. Practitioners believe that the different yoga poses, called asanas, can help a per...more
How Yoga Positions For Fertility Can Help Couples Conceive
...tility. Certain yoga positions can improve glandular function, which helps to normalize hormone levels.Although nobody would claim that yoga alone can make you pregnant, following a course of fertility focussed yoga can significantly reduce the stress and emotion of trying to conceive. Used in conjunction with medical treatment, it can prepare your ...more
