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The Purpose of Yoga - Solutions for Depression
..., so you may want some solitary time to purge your body and mind by crying. When we lose a loved one, most of us cannot stop crying. Regardless of the problem, crying is a temporary release. We cannot cry forever, but crying can help.In Bhakti Yoga (Union by devotion to God), we learn to open the connection to God. There are sectarian Yoga classes for every religion on e...more
Try Core Power Yoga
....Power yoga has created a dynamic, challenging program that combines strength, sweat and spirituality. It recognizes power in different levels; first is the physical power which develops the body’s strength and improve health; second is the mental power or the will to concentrate on the practice; and last the spiritual power which is the po...more
Using Yoga To Improve Your Health And Save Your Time
...nd to achieve stillness or a time when thoughts cease to exist.Yoga asana or postures depict natural actions like boating or rowing to the posture a peacock assumes, a lion assumes etc. these postures, along with breathing in and out are known to create certain vibrations in your body, that bring out the overall vitality of the spirit.The famous Surya Na...more
Tips for Regular Yoga Practice
... yoga with a firm determination to see it through. Yoga begins and ends with the mind, if you can convince yourself you really want to do it, then you should be able to keep the spirit. The problem with most people is that they rush into everything that sounds interesting before they are sure of whether they want it or not. These people will usua...more
What Should a Hatha Yoga Teacher Know? – Part 1
...ospective Yoga teachers have a very strong foundation in Yoga; but sometimes, they originally come from a related-field, such as Martial Arts, Pilates, Dance, Gymnastics, or Fitness. This is fine, but be prepared for a “learning curve” and do not expect to learn all about Yoga in one Yoga teacher training intensive course. Even if you “lock yourself up” in an ...more


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