
Acclaimed Yoga Teacher


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Practice Yoga to Develop Patience
...running a few minutes late. You fight through traffic, avoiding drivers and pedestrians, while breaking the speed limit. Then you run into office to sit in the "waiting room." After 15 minutes of waiting, you are admitted to an exam room to wait for another 20 minutes.The end result is that you put your life at risk to wait 35 minutes. If the doctor you went to...more
How to Stay Motivated in Your Yoga Practice helped. 6) Whether you take a class or not on a particular day, schedule 15 minutes each day for additional yoga practice at home. Everyone can find 15 minutes at some point during the day and by doing at least something everyday, it becomes a habit, and you increase the likelihood you with stick with it. 7) Create a yoga corner in your home. ...more
Yoga - Supplies Make A Difference
...tor or an instructional DVD is up to you.In addition to the mat, yoga balls and the yoga mat bag, there are a number of other useful and popular yoga supplies.Yoga DVDs are a great way to stay in practice if you cannot afford daily lessons. Yoga DVDs are also great yoga supplies for beginners. They provide ongoing structure and encouragement to those practicing yoga.Yoga blocks or gr...more
Mistaking Our Identity
...n end, it has become an end unto itself.We do this all the time – we find what works, and make it a part of our identity. We become a healer, a painter, a business owner, a writer, a runner, a musician, a lawyer, a yogi, a meditator. We substitute the tool for its function. Instead of a tool that offers us gre...more
The Many Benefits of Yoga
...self is important, and something not very many of do very well.There is no doubt that stress is the #1 killer these days and it affects all parts of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual processes. The good news is that you can correct for the stress in your life through yoga and the practice of meditation.The meditative techniques used in yoga help you to ...more


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