
Course Teacher Training Yoga


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A Brief Introduction To The Science Of Yoga
...can live at peace. The five defects arewrong ideas of the external world wrong ideas of oneself attachment and longing for things of the senses or for objects like and dislike of objects or persons love of lifeBy practicing introspection and constant meditation, the mind can be rid of its flaws.It's important to...more
The Purpose of Yoga - The Yogic Path to Happiness
...of humor, which is much better than attracting friends who scowl at everything.Why is it difficult to laugh, even when we know laughing and smiling are good for our health? The ego, which is our “social mask,” does not want to lose control of the mind. The ego does not want to share power with your inner child. The reason is obvious: When we enjoy ourselves too much; we ...more
The Perseverance of Teaching Yoga, Part 1
...he Yoga teacher who has forgotten what the prime ingredient is within the exceptional Yoga student. That ingredient is “perseverance” and that is what separates the “flash in the pan” from the Yoga student who may well evolve into a Yoga teacher. The student who shows up to Yoga class and tries to do ...more
What Yoga Class Should I Begin With? Description of Yoga Styles for Beginners
...based on asanas but each has a different emphasis. Below is a summary of other popular yoga styles that are good to begin with.IyengarThe focus of Iyengar yoga is on body alignment. Props such as blocks and straps allow beginners to flow in asanas more easily. As oppose to moving quickly from pose to pose, Iyengar focuses on holding poses over long periods.HathaHatha i...more
Is Maslow's Hierarchy A Plagiarism On Chakras & Kundalini Yoga, Known About For Thousands of Years
...processors gaining speed with the number of processors.Base Chakra is Mooladhara Chakra Abdominal Chakra is Swadisthan Chakra Solar Plexus Chakra is Manipur Chakra Heart Chakra is Anahata Chakra Throat Chakra is Visshudhi Chakra Brow or Third Eye Chakra is Ajna Chakra Crown Chakra is Sahasrara ChakraThe levels of evolution and their relationship to the paralle...more


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