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...maintain your weight loss. To really keep those changes you worked so hard for, you’re going to have to change how you eat for the rest of your life. You will probably need to include some kind of exercise, too.You can exercise for strength, flexibility and stamina, as well as for more specific goals. Talk to a personal trainer for details and to set up a...more
The Sacred Scriptures of Hinduism
...ften been referred to as the “Hindu Bible”. This is not really an accurate comparison because Hinduism does not rely only rely on one primary text. However the Bhagavad Gita or “The Song Celestial” is held in the highest regard because it offers a record of Bhagavan Lord Krishna’s epic conversation with his devoted disciple Arjuna on ...more
Again, Here are Some of the Benefits of Doing Yoga
...ant.Nonetheless, the main benefit of doing Yoga may lie in the fact that it works not only one part of the body, for example the physical, but the spiritual as well. All the while making sure that the body is trained as a unit not necessarily isolating one muscle groupHere are some other health benefits one can derive from a regular yoga practice.1. Improvement in Sleep ...more
Overcoming Eating Disorders Through Yoga chakra and different poses are used to balance it: crab, full wind, pigeon, locust, staff etc. Strengths and courage can be increased by using grounding postures such as mountain, goddess, standing squat and prayer squat. The postures reestablish the strong mind-body connections and help overcome most physical obstacles. Most back bending pos...more
What is Chair Yoga?
...litation units. Clients can learn any number of Yoga postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and stage-by-stage relaxation, with the aid of a chair.Standing postures, such as Triangle and Warrior variations, can be practiced seated, or standing, with the aid of a chair. You can practice Sun Salutations or Vinyasa, (flowing postures), f...more


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