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Yoga Therapy For Sciatica - Before You Take A Yoga Class
... the problem. Very often the cause of Sciatica is a herniated disc, but this is just one of many conditions, which can cause Sciatica. Spinal stenosis, piriformis syndrome, nerve root compression, tumors, and bone spurs can also be another cause.To visualize the problem is much better, because it takes the mystery out of it. ...more
Universal Principles of Yoga, Part 2 of God.Jnana Yoga: Is unity through knowledge, but this is much more than intellectual pursuit. Jnana Yoga is a method to turn knowledge into pure wisdom. Knowledge is not always practical or pure wisdom.Today, many children have access to multiple forms of media, so they are knowledgeable, but are they very wise? ...more
Use Yoga Exercises And Postures To Reduce Back Pain And Inflexibility
... be causing the back pain. A herniated disk, for example, is a condition that will require professional attention, and following any form of physical activity without a full medical consultation could well worsen the existing condition.That said, various yoga postures assist in strengthening the core muscles of the body, such as the abdominal muscles, and increased st...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - Methods for Improving Student Motivation
...ritual health and motivation.Making quiet time for a short meditation is something very few people do. Meditation can help us in many ways, but mental focus also brings about a new state of awareness, and the motivation to make positive changes.Yoga teachers should also develop a handout - to cover living a Yogic lifestyle. This would provide information abo...more
What Is Hatha Yoga?"The end result of practicing this style of yoga is markedly noticed almost immediately. Suddenly you can stretch a bit further and touch those toes. You're not huffing and puffing carrying laundry up to the top floor of the house anymore.Your bowel movements are even more regular than usual and you find th...more
