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Awaken Your Diva Spirit Through Yoga!
...forgotten – their old self – and they begin to tap into their inner child.One such case clearly stands out in my mind. A friend, who I had known for several years decided to start bringing her two daughters to one of my weekly yoga classes. She had been going through some difficult times, and to say the least, wa...more
Yoga for Kids: What Yoga Poses are Best for My Child?
... long as you know they are not in harm’s way, it’s okay to let them dabble a bit into Yoga.Indeed using Yoga is both fun for kids and beneficial for as the book of Prov. 22. 6 states, it is one effective method of “Training your child in the way he should go...” as the discipline and confidence that comes from Yoga (and Martial Arts too-just a hint) may only be attainabl...more
Yoga And The Benefits Of Menopause: A Means to Obtain Relief From Menopause Symptoms
...nting and for anyone nearing the age of menopause you are understandably concerned about the changes your body will experience. You have heard the stories of how menopause can change your life and how your mood will change. You do not want these mood swings, hot flashes, sudden flares of depression or insomnia, but you cannot find a way to control them either unless you know what to exp...more
Asana - Yoga Poses Or Something Else? Find Out!
...tion, the number of asanas is infinite.Another definition, this one attributed to Shiva, confirms that of Pátañjali: there are as many Asanas as there are human beings on the face of the Earth.Others, however, limit the number of Asanas to 84,000, of which 840 are the most important and, of these, only 84 are considered ...more
Yoga Instructor Training - Yoga For Cancer Recovery
...vels, and allow those recovering from cancer, to feel able again. Yoga postures strengthen and tone core muscles in the body. This low-impact movement also improves circulation and mobility.The particular postures and yoga routine, that will help someone recovering from cancer, will be prescribed on an individual basis. There are many types of cancers, and what may benefit one recov...more
