
Yoga Teacher Trainings In India


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Yoga Teacher Trainings In India Information


Tips for Regular Yoga Practice
... to get results. If you have bought some books on yoga and meditation, don't let them gather dust while you plan and hope you will start the practice one day.Yoga postures and basic meditation exercises are simple enough to learn, even for a child. The major problem with most yoga 'drop outs' is n...more
Ashtanga Yoga
...nciples are practiced through what is called vinyasa and tristhana. Vinyasa means breath and movement together. As you breath and move it motivates the body to increase circulation and remove the impurities by perspiring.Tristhana refers to three different ways of focus. These are posture, breathing and s...more
Getting To Know Hatha Yoga
...f Kundalini or concentration and meditation.Most Yoga practitioners strive to follow moral discipline or yama to live a virtuous life. According to the yoga discipline, a person can live a virtuous life by following the ten moral restraints primarily the ahimsa or veering away from causing harm to all living creations.The other yamas include ...more
Yoga for Men
...en a balanced and healthy diet is adhered to. Needless to say physical yoga training greatly reduces the likelihood of several illnesses such as lowered blood pressure, heart attacks and osteoporosis.Yoga also favors meditation and relaxation as some of its most effective shields against stress. Half an hour of str...more
Yoga - An Easy Way To Stay Healthy - Part 1
...rming the lower back and opens the groin and hips.The Dog/ Cat posture:These are two simultaneous postures that go hand in hand. It begins by posing as a dog with arms at shoulder length stretched to the ground and keens folding the legs with the hips raised up. Inhale while tilting the tailbone and the pelvis up and curve the spine, forming a dog posture. Reverse this position w...more


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