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Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure - The Silent Killer
...e suffering from hypertension.High blood pressure can be controlled with prescribed drugs, however due to side effects associated these drugs, a number of people have started opting for natural cures for high blood pressure.It is advisable to consult a registered medical practitioner before trying natural remedies.Some natural cures for high blood pressure are listed below.Selecting The...more
Dahn Yoga - Yoga for the Soul
...ull.Allied with the body’s natural healing ability, this is enhanced through stimulating energies that connect the physical body to the conscious mind.Through deep stretching, breathing methods and meditation, Dahn Yoga promotes physical, mental, and spiritual healing and to connect us into our spiritual s...more
Yoga, Do Not Knock It Until You Try It
...a, over they go. But really we should be very serious yoga is quite good for the soul, relaxation and de-stressing too. So, do not knock yoga until you try it. Now I have tried it so it is okay for me to make jokes, but if you have not tried it, you are barred from laughing or tipping over your friends who you think are looking quite silly while they do their “Yoga Thin...more
Just a Little Glimpse of Realization! is nothing and which is unattainable by the senses. Contact with this bliss removes from the mind even the memory of desire. This bliss, which is the aim of Yoga, and which is the final goal of all knowledge, is attainable, even though encumbered with the body. Once, realization of the Self is experience...more
Yoga Certification - A Gateway To Job Satisfaction
...sition? Is it being around Yoga all the time or is it an ideal occupation? What would it be like to be inspired, motivated, and respected at work?If you attend Yoga classes, you may sometimes wonder if there is any stress in teaching at all. As it would be, all jobs are capable of having some stress, but stress is more manageable, if you enjoy your line of work.F...more
