
Couples Instructional Yoga Video Dvd


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Kripalu Yoga – Joining Forces
... is important; it is a way of being aware of the prana and using breathing with thought to prevent blockage or disturbance of the life force in your body. In turn, you will feel an increased level of mental clarity and emotional control.Boiled down to its essence, Kripalu yoga is about looking at yourself in order to free you. Kripallu yoga followers believe that by simply examining and experie...more
Yoga in Practice: Anger Management - Part 1
...hing wrong with the desire to succeed; this is healthy, but when desire incites anger, we must place restraints on our desires.This task will take some self-observation, and we must be honest with ourselves. For example: We have the desire to get to work on time, but should we use our car as a weapon o...more
Secrets of Successful Yoga Studios
...ways to handle a student / teacher relationship is to ignore a Yoga student.Be careful of perceptions that make you feel like you are better than your Yoga students. Remember that your students pay you to teach Yoga. You should treat them like your best friends. How many of your friends are paying for your meals, car, mortgage, or your...more
Understanding Patanjali's Yoga Sutras - 16-18 are: Sattva (purity or light), Rajas (activity or vibration), and Tamas (inertia or darkness). When energy takes shape, one of these three qualities will usually be dominant. However, when a person becomes unattached to outcome, he or she would go beyond the natural limits or the limits of nature.1:17 “To experience a settled mind (Samadhi), one must go through four steps. T...more
What Should You do With a Yoga Book?
... Journal from the trash and mentally absorbed it. Unfortunately, he never applied the knowledge he learned.This is a critical point to understand. Knowledge is like a bank savings account - You have to save, but you also have to put your savings to good use. In the words of Andrew Carnegie, “I resolved to stop accumulating and begin the infinitely more serious and difficult task of ...more
