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What Exactly is a Yoga Swing?
...etely off the ground, or you can use the sling and rope handles in conjunction with one arm or leg so that you are only partially suspend. It just depends on what position you need to accomplish.Using a swing is a great addition to your regular yoga routine. It allows you the choice of suspending forward or backwards during an inversion....more
Practice Yoga with the Best of Intentions
...nt lack of common sense and compassion. Most people grow into a Yoga teaching position just fine, while a rare few develop “petty dictator syndrome.”It’s amazing what people will justify, and then, insist their acts were done with the best of intentions. My Grandfather used to say, “Hell was made with good intent...more
Breast Cancer Awareness and the Benefits of Practicing Yoga Daily
..., the study, 128 patients from an urban cancer center were randomly assigned to a 12 week yoga program or to a 12 week waitlisted control group. The groups were ethnically diverse, with 42% African American and 31% Hispanic. The yoga group participated in one gentle yoga class per week. The yoga program was developed by coauthor Chirag Shah, an Oncolo...more
Muscle Fitness - Can Yoga Make You Stronger?
...seems so benign have such a major impact on muscle fitness?Muscle Strength Unlike traditional weight building exercises, in yoga your body provides the resistance. While you are not likely going to produce the bulked up muscles of some weight lifters, you will certainly increase your muscle strength.Many poses in yoga ...more
Yoga - You Need The Right Accessories
... can really just plop yourself down on any surface and get to work. Of course, if you have the right props and accessories your body will suffer less, but this is entirely up to you.The most important thing to think about when you are shopping for various types of yoga equipment is to find items that are comfortable, easy to use, and portable. You'll find that simply signing up for a yoga class wi...more


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