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Astral Projection in Yoga Practices - How to Become One With Everything
...e the ocean) the notion of killing, war and destruction would be an untenable solution for problems...either in your own family, or in the world at large!I am, as you know, a big believer in astral projection, and use all of the above to facilitate my own extraordinary experiences. My motivations are often more selfish than the above ( I just love the rush, discovery and t...more
Raja Yoga, The Royal Road to Enlightenment
...ed. It should consequently show the great benefits, both in the material and in the spiritual worlds, of Raja Yoga.Purpose of Raja YogaRaja Yoga, formed into a definite system by Patanjali 5,000 years ago, concerns itself primarily with the stilling of the mind to allow for Cosmic openness. This is achieved by sitting in a cross-legged position ...more
YogaSutra - First Text On Yoga of Prakriti (Unmanifest, Primordial "matter") and Purusha (Consciousness) but patanjali added the Purushavishesha (Supreme Being or God) element to the theory. The principles of yoga were described by patanjali in an eight fold yogic discipline. The yoga sutra is the known as most important basic text on yoga. In it he desc...more
Yoga for Back Pain and Fibromyalgia Syndrome
...Valley depicting yoga postures date back over 5,000 years. Traditionally, yoga was a spiritual practice, its goal being union with the Absolute or Divine. The various exercises associated with Hatha Yoga were performed to prepare the body for long periods of meditation. The word “yoga” means to join ...more
Yoga Instructor Aspects - Finding the Guru Within
... the other. How many certification programs teach interns about finding the teacher within each of us? Many do, but some do not. In fact, some Yoga teacher certification programs do teach, "Guru worship."The principles of Guru worship do not blend well with Christian, Jewish, or Moslem cultures. Within these religions, and the socie...more


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