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Discovering Yoga Retreats
...tional well being. And for those who have experienced its benefits, they are often eager to share the experience with others.Yoga retreats offer those who are committed to yoga a place of relaxed community and focused learning where they can practice yoga within a social setting. Yoga retreats can last any length of time; the only requirement i...more
Six Branches of Yoga the body. Its goal is to prepare the body for the more pure state of meditation to come in the 2nd branch. Hatha yoga was brought to us by an Indian yogi attempting to purify the body to make it fit for higher meditation. Western yoga is almost completely the Hatha yoga branch, and Westerners find mental and physical comfort in the first bran...more
Yoga and Stress
...significant decrease was seen.A recent report in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine states that practicing yoga may boost a neurotransmitter associated with anxiety and depression. Researchers at Boston University School Of Medicine and McLean Hospital followed eight people who practiced yoga regula...more
Be Stress Free With Yoga
...his for an hour or so a week can make a vast improvement to your fitness and flexibility.For some, yoga isn't just a hobby, it's a way of life. People find yoga a spiritual feeling, whilst others see it as a connection with nature. Either way, it is certainly relaxing, and can leave you looking and feeling great. Wi...more
What Is Yoga - History and Origins
... have been dated from 3300 BC to 1300 BC. At one stage they were thought to have suddenly ended due to an Aryan invasion, though archaeologists now believe it was more likely due to climate change. Ultimately though, nothing is certain in the world of archaeology, at least until the next find, or developments in science.The Moh...more


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