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Asana - Yoga Poses Or Something Else? Find Out! not exclusively corporal. It has nothing to do with gymnastics or physical education. Its origins are different, its purposes are different and the methods of executing it are different. This is why, in Yōga, we do not need many things that are fundamental in Physical Education like, for example, muscular warm ups. In Ancient Yōga, we do not use...more
Yoga Poses On The GO Always remember to inhale and exhale slowly and deeply. Breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Yoga poses and stretches should be done slowly and with control. Remember to listen to your body, do not overstretch or force any poses. All poses and stretches should be comfortable and never cause pain. Practicing yoga has infinite benefits...more
Mommy and Me Yoga - Benefits for Life
...enefit in many ways. Parents who have no knowledge of Yoga should consider toddler classes or the Mommy and Me Yoga classes.Classes should be divided according to age. For example – Children who are one to two years of age could be separated from the two to four years of age group. Below twelve months of age, most children are in the...more
Anti-Aging And Yoga, Is There A Connection
...d to see a drastic delay in the whole aging process.Some yoga poses such as the Sun Salutations, The Shoulder Stand and the Abdominal Lift Exercises in Yoga have been known for centuries to delay aging naturally (of course in an adherence to a proper diet).Though any vigorous exercise may suffice, Yoga stands unmatched as an anti-aging exercise of phy...more
...njali, who wrote the 'Yoga Sutras'.Traditionally though, the ancient art of Yoga is passed down from Master to student and so on.However, throughout the years, Yoga has undergone many changes and new streams of Yoga have been developed from the original sources.Also, during history, when India was invaded, many texts tha...more


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