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Nude Yoga - A Way to Improve Your Sex Life and Satisfy Your Partner
...lvis. Poses like Bound Angle (where you sit on the floor with the soles of your feet touching) and Wide-Legged Forward Bend increase blood flow to the hips and pelvis, enhancing your sexual sensitivity and pleasure.Yoga postures improve sex by strengthening the core muscles around the genitals, thus increasing sen...more
Try Yoga for Chronic Constipation
....3. Lack of fluids by not drinking enough water. (Not just liquids as in sodas and alcohol!)4. Poor food combinations and consumption of mucus forming and hard to digest foods.Obviously, a healthier and wiser choice of dietetic habits could help in combating constipation, but to even make this endeavor more successful, some physical actions may come in handy towards aiding one in reliving the b...more
Yoga Ethics For Instructors
...nted.The nature of a yoga class is intimate. There is a great deal of focus on the body and opening of the body and a measure of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual release. Instructors often must touch their students to assist or correct a physical posture.All of the students are paying close attention to the movements of the instructor. Some students will become infatuated, o...more
Bikram Yoga Positions
...her! The idea behind it is that the heat will help to loosen your muscles, improve flexibility, and increase your heart rate. And, although quite to state the obvious, the heat also makes you sweat - a lot!Bikram's 26 hatha yoga postures are, like most other styles of hatha Yoga, designed to stretch your muscles, compress your cardi...more
Should an Obese Person Become a Yoga Teacher? more fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and whole grains is not as easy as showing them the “new ultimate diet pill.” The Yogic diet has been around for thousands of years, so it’s “old news.” Remember the saying, “Out with the old, and in with the new?”People fall for the “new and improved,” more than old and proven methods, until the hard data comes in. This is why peo...more


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