
Yoga Videos 2


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Effects of Yoga on Physical and Mental Health
...); the word yoga derives from the Sanskrit, literally, yoking, from yunakti ("he yokes"). 1. a Hindu theistic philosophy teaching the suppression of all activity of body, mind, and will in order that the self may realize its distinction from them and attain liberation 2: a system of exercises for attaining bodily or mental control and well-being Assu...more
Yoga: Three Reasons You Should Not Do Yoga Posture - Lord Of Dance
...When done in a full version, this is a very demanding asana, requiring great flexibility in the shoulders and spine, tremendous openness in the chest, groins and front of the thighs, and great strength in the standing leg.The Natarajasana has curative and corrective effects removing backache and stiffness of the spine. The arch formed by the back and stretched leg gently aligns the vertebrae of th...more
Yoga in Practice: Living in the Present Moment
...actice to the many lessons life has to offer. The result of all this learning, and applying Yogic principles to life, is a major leap in self-improvement.You can learn from your past, live the present moment in harmony, and plan your future, with an improved perspective of each. Past, present, and future are valuable, but each is important in a different way.Let’s first add...more
Yoga A Blend Of Spiritual And Physical Exercises
... the ancient Hindus is a form of mysticism, whose origin is impossible to trace, dating back as it does to thousands of years before recorded history. One of the six schools of Hindu philosophy, Maharishi (or Sage) Patanjali, its founding father lived a full three centuries before Christ. A great philosopher and grammarian, he was also a physician, with a considerable body o...more
Yoga in Practice - Taking Control of Your Life
..., we will receive one hundred different answers.Yet, we can classify the resulting answers into the following three categories. People will say their life will be better, worse, or the same. In each case, their viewpoint is a reflection of the personality, the surrounding environment, and their attitude.If your personality is optimistic, you will naturally look forward to each challenge...more
