
Amazon Ca Video 5pk Best Of Yoga Zone Vhs


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...we become hooked on pleasure, it becomes an addiction and the absence of pleasure feels like loss or dissatisfaction; we become unable to enjoy the simple happiness of life, to observe the quiet broad beauty of our minds - slowing down becomes difficult because the focus becomes the object of addiction. Practicing moderation allows us to enjoy pl...more
Yoga Is For Everyone - Women, Men, Young, Old, Rich, Poor, Homemaker, Or Athlete
...eves that your actions are a direct reflection on things you have done in the past. It promotes doing selfless service and freeing yourself from a negative and selfish future.As you can see, yoga touches a wide variety of health and life aspects.** Attn Ezine editors / Site owners ** Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, blog, autoresponder, or on your s...more
Yoga Techniques for Taking the Stress Out Of Vacations
... you. • Pratyahara is a state of peace that is achieved by reducing all outside interferences to an optimum level. By using pratyahara, the mind gets tranquil and relaxed, focusing towards the inside of your own body. • Pranayama helps in increasing the ability to calm yourself nearly in any difficult conditions by regulating your breathing and hence ba...more
Ethics of the Yogis - Part 1 - Non-violence incredibly powerful idea, but there is an immediate challenge for the Jewish yogi. The Torah does not demand absolute non-violence at all times, and there are various moments when we are expected to do everything except turn the other cheek. The principle of a rodef, or a pursuer, is understood to mean that if somebody is out to get us, we should get them first. The mishn...more
Mastering Yoga Poses
...nd postures. These are the building blocks of the art of yoga. The right postures in yoga will help you to safely and effectively use yoga poses in the way they are intended. Yoga positions such as ananas will exercise the muscles, glands and nerves as they work to keeping the body and mind healthy.Another important step ...more
