
Yoga Basics Yoga Zone


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The Truth About Options for Yoga Teachers, Part 5
... situation for every child in your Yoga class.If you do not have patience, please do not consider teaching Yoga to children. Teaching a Kids Yoga class is not for every Yoga instructor. You have to be creative, an entertainer, and a guide to become a kids Yoga instructor.After all, Kids Yoga classes contain aspects of Yoga that many adults have lost track of - from a very silly Lion fac...more
Yoga Helps Back Pain
...the back of my head. When my sitting posture is not straight, there is always throbbing pain in the back of my head. It is very uncomfortable when sitting because you keep changing your postures.I couldn't even sleep at night because I need to lie down straight. That is hard. It took me two weeks before I go see a my doctor.My d...more
The Physical And Mental Exhileration Of Practising Yoga
...ose annoying headache.Yoga Poses For Beginners There are many yoga poses, each one being helpful for any number of ailments, aches, pains and stress. No need to be overwhelmed or put off, you'll learn the poses as you go and as your yoga is hopefully going to be a lifelong pursuit, you'll have lots of time to learn. As your pra...more
OM - What It Is And How To Use It In Your Yoga Practice
... is, or can be. It is omnipotent.OM is also spelled AUM, where each letter symbolizes a meaning. A symbolizes the conscious mind or waking state of your mind, the letter U symbolizes the dream state and the letter M symbolizes the dreamless sleep state of mind and spirit. All three letters together, according to important texts on the subject, symbolize the realization of ...more
Crash Course on Yoga
...nts are slow and fluid because yoga practitioners believe that jerky and hurried movements will only cause imbalance and fatigue.Different types of yogaThere are several kinds of yoga. One of the most popular kind is the Hatha Yoga, which is practiced in Western countries. The word Hatha comes from the combined words of HA, which means sun and THA, w...more


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