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Sweatin' with the Yogis
...tocks near the heels. To add difficulty, all this is done on the balls of your feet with arms held straight out in front. By the second repetition my thighs and upper arm muscles felt hotter than the room.Toe Stand Pose: It looks more awkward than the awkward pose. This time squatting on the ball of one foot, the other leg rests on top of the thigh. Arms are in a prayer position, whic...more
Yoga is Like Sex's a path to inner peace. We're being drawn to yoga by the thousands because we need it; we crave what yoga offers and deeply need the body-mind-spirit connection we experience when we practice the 5000 year old art of yoga.Increased strength and flexibility, relief from headaches, back problems, sleep troubles, and stress related issues; d...more
Thai Massage Berlin: Introduction to Thai Massage
...called "Yoga for the lazy", because the person getting the massage is not moving into the Yoga positions, involved in a Thai massage treatment, by himself. The massager rather carefully guides him into the appropriate stance. These gentle movements, intensive stretchings and the rhythmic way of breathing are an important characteris...more
Yoga for Beginners: Stress Management Solutions
...“total health picture.” What you eat and drink can also cause stress. Caffeine, which speeds the heart rate and shortens your breath, can be found in coffee, tea, soda, hot cocoa, and chocolate.How fast do you eat? How much do you eat at one sitting? How much sleep do you get per night? All of these factors can be modified to manage your stress levels. Yoga teaches us that moderation is...more
Guide To Yoga Supplies And Props
...y not yet be able to do. They can also help students become more aware of the subtleties of a pose, by allowing the body to align as it should. The props that particularly help with this are blocks, belts, bolsters, chairs, wall ropes, and special props developed for specific poses.Bolsters are excellent for certain floor poses, and are often u...more


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