
Midland Texas Yoga Ball


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Ayurveda, Yoga - Unique Indian Culture
...ique Indian Culture Ayurveda and Yoga have a common history and vedic origin, and are the sister practices in the pursuit of physical and mental well being. Yoga is on the practical side of Vedic teachings, while it is on the healing side and both shares a common goal which is attaining union with the ...more
Teaching Hatha Yoga - The Eight Limbs and Student Advancement
...o, but cover Yama or Niyama regularly.In fact, all of the Eight Limbs, mentioned by Patanjali, are important. Review the Eight Limbs and carry them into your classes. Make sure your students get the full experience.About the student who is bored by hearing a little about the Eight Limbs: Do you really want ...more
Free Yoga Classes: A Lesson for Yoga Teachers
...The public cannot establish a perceived value of Yoga, when you initially give away a week or month. The word “Free” is often associated with “junk” or “stuff.”If you want to give something away free, develop a comprehensive handbook for your Yoga students, give them a music CD, or a Yoga mat, as a bonus for signing up.If enough Yoga teachers give away free classes, we will depreciate the v...more
How Yoga Will Enhance Your Abilities in Other Sports
...Bicycling magazines are full of articles about how riding your mountain bike will improve your road bike skills. Snowboarding magazines will show the benefits of skateboarding…no surprise there.Every couple of years, I will laugh when I read a sports section headline stating that“ A new revolutionary training idea has hit the National Football League"…fifteen or...more
Yoga in Your Home
... for you or you do not 'connect' to the instructor or class sufficiently.3) Least expensive: With a DVD/Book or two, plus a mat, you could be have a great yoga practice without paying for ongoing Studio classes.Yoga `Newbies’ can begin almost immediately by using DVD’s and Books created for the beginner. Here are some of the advantages:1) Va...more


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