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Does Yoga Benefit Plastic Surgery Patients?
...ople speak of various facial exercises associated with yoga helping to tighten the skin, one has to remember that in general, the skin is aging and the exercises can only do so much.Just like your skin, if you do not take care of it, it will gradually fail and begin to wrinkle just as before. Plastic surgery is like a second chance at ...more
Yoga Stories - I Am Connected
... woods of upstate New York. I figured I would never connect with him again. How strange to have strong connections with people and then disconnect from them I thought. What is the meaning of this?The next morning as I walked into the yoga retreat snack bar for a coffee and chocolate, I had to turn around and look...more
Establishing a Strong Foundation - Beginner Poses in Yoga
... your thighs inwards to keep the tail high and let your heels to the floor; though if you're not yet flexible enough for your heels to touch the floor, don't step forward so they do.Most if not all yoga routines end with the "Corpse Pose," the traditional pose of resting and rejuvenation. With your eyes closed, lie flat on your back, with f...more
Best Home Based Business - Latest 7 Challenging Home Based Business Ideas
... computer whiz? If you are good at computer repairing, do not wait for an article to boost you up. You are gifted with a rare talent. So make use of it and earn a good income.The certification in the respective fields is compulsory. You can get such information from internet. In a home-based business, you are the boss. Is not that itself a bless...more
For Depression Treatment, There is a Helping Hand in Yoga
...t is no wonder that several drug-free fraternities seek out alternate methods of healing for the plethora of human ailment and for depression specifically, Yoga is often recommended.Why is this so? Well, first of all, with Yoga and its gentle movements and poses, Alpha waves (relaxation) and Theta waves (unconscious memory, dreams and emotions) tend to increase significantly after...more
