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Establishing a Strong Foundation - Beginner Poses in Yoga
...lap between the Hindu yoga tradition and Buddhism.************************************Besides these two base poses, a common intermediate pose to transfer you into another pose is the "Downward Facing Dog." This pose strengthens and stretches your entire body, and it's also used as both a resting and standing pose. (It's a mild inversion, so it should be avoided d...more
Foundations of Yoga: Yama and Niyama, Part 1
... man of the world, who must first clear, and then steady, his mind against the fury of illusory passions, and free his life from entanglements." Patanjali very carefully and fully outlines the elements of the support needed by the aspirant, giving invaluable information on how to guarantee success in yoga.T...more
Yoga - The Psychological Benefits
... to mentally transform ourselves. When one gets physically better, you can argue that the person gets better mentally. Studies have shown that people who practice yoga share a better optimism, better awareness and alertness and even appreciation for one’s surroundings. It ultimately begs the question does body and mind ...more
Yoga's Influence on Stress
...ous system, the endocrine system, and the digestive system, it balances mental activity, slowing it down in the process. Yoga also stretches the body, providing a masseuse for internal organs, and creating a sense of peace from the inside out. In addition, Yoga can sharpen concentration, increase body awareness, and relieve m...more
Jnana Yoga - Intellectually Becoming God-Conscious
...I just this material body and material mind, or am I in fact an integral part of something greater. That something greater is considered by yogis to be God, the presence of which everything and everyone is made up, whether or not the individual realizes it or not. The purpose of Jnana Yoga is to co...more


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